territories, local governments states, federally-recognized tribal governments, and certain private nonprofit organizations.
These grants are funded through FEMA’s Public Assistance program which provides grant reimbursement to communities for expenses incurred in the immediate response and the recovery from a disaster.
In addition, federal cost share for debris removal and emergency protective measures was authorized at 100 percent for 180 days from the start of the incident. The President authorized federal cost share for all categories of Public Assistance, at 90 percent of total eligible costs. To date, FEMA has obligated a total of more than $130 million in federal funding for Public Assistance projects related to Super Typhoon Yutu.
$68,850, in federal funding to Mount Carmel School for permanent repairs to classrooms and the Library in Building A. $71,957, in federal funding to Saipan Community School for permanent repairs to Building 8 and its contents and Building 9. $112,693, in federal funding to the CNMI Public School System for permanent repairs to Tanapag Head Start ($19,455), Oleai Head Start ($40,215), and Dandan Head Start ($53,023). $154,705, in federal funding to Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) forpermanent repairs to two CUC buildings and building components. $208,109, in federal funding to Northern Marianas College for Emergency ProtectiveMeasures taken during Super Typhoon Yutu. $368,532, in federal funding to Saipan Municipality for permanent repairs to Departmentof Community and Cultural Affairs, Historic Preservation Office and content damage in10 Municipality buildings. $420,355, in federal funding to the Tinian Municipality for permanent repairs to theDepartment of Land and Natural Resources building(s). $1,442,304 in federal funding to the Commonwealth Ports Authority for debris removaland for permanent repairs to Saipan and Tinian Sea and Air Ports. $1,598,940, in federal funding to the CNMI Public School System to replace the Da’okAcademy High School building. Torres The award will assist nine eligible applicants with reimbursement for eligible costs of debris removal, emergency protective measures, building replacements, replacement of damaged building contents and permanent repairs. We will continue to prioritize new infrastructure built to last and strengthening existing ones against future disasters," said Governor Ralph DLG. "These projects were among our top priorities and are a product of close collaboration between our office, FEMA, and the respective CNMI departments and agencies. The total grant amount is $4.9 million, with the FEMA share of $4.4 million. SAIPAN, MP - The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced more than $4.4 million in additional disaster grants for the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) to support ongoing Super Typhoon Yutu recovery. FEMA Grants Additional Funds for Super Typhoon Yutu Recovery