
Dolphin vagina
Dolphin vagina

For example, in bottlenose dolphins, an alliance of 2-3 males will typically surround a female and capture her. Reproduction in dolphins is not always a romantic undertaking.

dolphin vagina

To understand why females of some cetacean species have evolved vaginas looking like cork-screws, you need to know a few things about dolphin sex that might be disillusioning. These findings brought up more questions than they answered: What is such a complex shape good for? Doesn’t it make it more troublesome for the dolphin penis and the sperm to find the way? Well, that is precisely the point! A spiral-shaped vagina as a defense strategy Female bottlenose dolphins, for example, have a complex spiral-shaped vagina, while the female harbor porpoises have up to thirteen different folds. Using this technique, scientists made an astonishing discovery: Each dolphin species have a special combination of flaps and folds, spirals and twists. So how do scientists conduct their research? Well, one way of investigating how the different parts are connected and arranged in three dimensions is to make silicone models of the vaginas of cetaceans. Even Greek philosopher Aristotle took note of their internal reproductive organs – more than 2,300 years ago! We have to thank curious naturalists for this knowledge who didn’t back off from dissecting whales and dolphins when they washed ashore in the past. Scientists have known for a long time that dolphin vaginas contained inner flaps and folds. The most striking feature about dolphin vaginas is their shapes. For marine mammals, some of this work has been the first analysis of female reproductive anatomy in more than 100 years.

dolphin vagina

Luckily, a few scientists have been shedding some light on the mysteries around the cetacean lady parts in recent years.

Dolphin vagina